These are the most common punishments applied by our team - you can review our Terms of Service to see all applicable infractions. 

A permanent Account Ban will result in the suspension of an Individual Account that infringes our Terms of Service. A permanent Krunker Ban will result in the suspension of all accounts linked to an individual Account, including new and older accounts.

This updated version of the punishment table is valid starting November 1st 2024. 
All previous punishments are not eligible for appeal based on this revision.

Infraction1st Strike
2nd Strike
3rd Strike


Hate Speech and Discrimination

Permanent Account Ban

Harassment or Toxic Behavior (Minor)

Warning + 

24-hour Account Ban

Warning + 

7-day Account Ban

Permanent Account Ban
Harassment or Toxic Behavior (Major)
Permanent Account Ban

Team Impersonation or Fraud
(i.e. FRVR, Moderation)
Permanent Account Ban

Spam or
Similar Behavior
Warning + 

24-hour Account Ban

Warning + 

30-day Account Ban

Permanent Account Ban
Hacking or CheatingPermanent Ban

BottingPermanent Ban

Abusing Exploits or Bugs

Warning +  30-day Ban

Permanent Account ban for critical issues, like item dupe.

Permanent Account Ban
In-game Advertisement
(Promoting goods, services or similar ads)

Warning + 

30-day Account Ban

Permanent Account Ban

Selling or Trading In-game Items or KR for Real Currency

Permanent Account Ban

Doxxing or Threatening Behavior
Permanent Account Ban

Unauthorized Third-party Transactions
Permanent Account Ban

Distributing Harmful Software
Permanent Account Ban

Account Sharing

Warning + 

30-day Account Ban

Permanent Account Ban

Account Selling
Permanent Account Ban

ScammingPermanent Account Ban

Gambling or any similar action
(i.e. coin flipping)
Permanent Account Ban

Improperly use of Support Channels or False Reporting

Warning + 

24-hour Account Ban

Warning + 

7-day Account Ban

Permanent Account Ban

Any punishment, after review, could be escalated directly to a Permanent Account or Krunker Ban, depending on its severity.

FRVR reserves the right to immediately terminate or suspend any or all accounts created in case of repeated offenses.

Connection Ban (IP Ban)

In certain cases, an IP address could also be restricted to avoid bypassing our punishments and to avoid repeated offenses.

If you play on a public network, other players using hacks or cheats could also cause you to see the connection ban.

We are unable to lift this type of restriction and our system will automatically remove it once the network is whitelisted.