Bans Older Than 6 Months

At FRVR, we take violations of our community guidelines seriously to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all players.
If your account has been banned for over six months, there are specific considerations and procedures to be aware of:

Understanding the Ban Duration

  • Permanent Bans: If your account was banned permanently due to severe violations like cheating, this ban is irreversible, regardless of how much time has passed.

  • Connection Bans: These bans generally have a duration and may expire after a specific period. However, the expiration timeline can extend if you log into a tagged account during this period.

No Appeals for Old Bans

  • No Reinstatement for Older Bans: Accounts banned for over six months, particularly those involving severe violations (cheating, hacking, etc.), are not eligible for appeal or reinstatement.

  • Policy Consistency: This policy ensures consistency and fairness across the player base, discouraging repeated offenses and maintaining the integrity of the game.

Creating a New Account

  • After Ban Expiration: If your connection ban has expired, you may create a new account. Ensure compliance with all game policies to avoid future bans.

  • No Data Transfer: Please note that progress, items, or data from a banned account cannot be transferred to a new account.

Contacting Support

How to Proceed if You Need Further Assistance:

If the information provided above doesn’t fully address your concerns, or if you need to contact our support team directly:

  1. Click on "Not helpful" at the bottom of this article.
  2. This action will direct you to a contact form where you can detail your issue further for personalized assistance.

Thank You for Playing Krunker